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Conclavio: Damian Prosalendis scam · How to make the incompetent rich

 Damianos Prosalentis, presently known for his Conclavio misrepresentation, is a totally atalant, imbecile. He is languid and doesn’t have any idea what morals implies. Anything one says is a little for a man of such low insight as Damianos Prosalentis ฮฟฮฝฯ„ฮฑฯ‚ Knowing his dad Chronis Prosalentis well as well as his entire family, I have advanced direct that as of now from secondary school he was confronting incredible hardships to pass examples, previously disapproving of schools since secondary school. All of Corfu was in for an unexpected when he graduated we actually accept that his dad had blessed the chief.

Be that as it may, knowing him, as he is a colossal prideful person, will certainly eat them to invalidate what I say with bogus proof. Obviously, everybody comprehends with their psyches that what I compose seems OK simultaneously as Damian Prosalentis’ conspicuous contempt for school. Since he disliked it since secondary school, he currently says even secondary school is futile…

So who am I? It is important to know every one of the subtleties, yet it will appear to be that I have been an associate of Damian Prosalentis (ekatommyriouxos) for quite a while. I knew him before he began saying he was examining. Around then, the Prosalenti family had procured truckload of cash, and rapidly. ฮšฮฟฮฝฮบฮปฮฌฮฒฮนฮฟ

The long custom of extortion of the miscreant family
How; But obviously his dad, Polychronis (Chronis) Prosalentis, was behind the Sorra scam on the island of Corfu. What does this mean; Chronis Prosalentis slice charges for tremendous sums to guileless individuals who accepted that Sorras is the hero of the country. He printed them in a couple of words “absolution papers” for obligations.

Obviously they were plainly tricky bathroom tissue which composed that whoever possesses them can take care of any obligation he has. With the procurement of the supposed paper, every holder purportedly turned into an investor in a non-existent abundance that Sorras supposedly needed to give the innovation of the antiquated Greek god Apollo to outsiders as a team with Obama.

I know without a doubt that all the property of Polychronis Prosalentis, his better half, their legitimate child Gerasimos Prosalentis and Damian Prosalendis is because of the trickery of seniors in Corfu. So a whole island came to detest this family and to that end they live such countless years living on the edges. As preliminaries are forthcoming against them, Damianos has gone to live in the condo of a notable aggrieved pimp referred to online as “kingvakalis” in Dubai.

Damianos and I met when his dad was making millions through the Sorra scam. It was right away before Damianos began professing to be an understudy. What he did was pay me to get his work done at college. In the long run he won’t ever graduate. I completed the process of learning at the time of 4.5 and left him. In the end he never distributed a last theory (which is compulsory for somebody to graduate, so you demonstrate that he didn’t graduate).

Thus Damianos and I got lost for some time. Obviously, he appeared to me again in 2016, guaranteeing that he believed us should carry on with work together in his “business”. Knowing great the amazing idiocy of this individual I was reluctant yet essentially I addressed him.

What he needed was a help for the illegal tax avoidance that his dad had procured. Beginning around 2016, things appear to be incredibly terrible for Sorras. A Rhodian specialist/columnist then researched the Sorras scam and distributed their figure. Everybody near Sorras as well as Chronis Prosalentis comprehended that the breakdown of their extortion was coming.

Also, what plans did the cheaters of the Prosalentis family make? I was approached to set up a phony organization exclusively for Damian to launder his Father’s dark cash. Obviously this was unlawful yet I plunked down to guarantee it “large chunk of change”.

As a dolt, Damianos doesn’t see anything of business. What’s more, there he wanted me. Damianos, obviously, tried to pick his berries wherever in the business. Burning through cash that his dad had proactively washed, he went to America where he took pictures with helicopters and extravagant vehicles that he leased.

This is obviously the justification for why even today he transfers similar pictures again and again. He was likewise so youthful then that he had not yet expanded with steroids. In the US he likewise raked in some serious cash on recorded appearances with Grant Cardone and Tai Lopez where he went to smoke fumaroles on camera.

He organized and purchased a ton of phony articles that caused me to write to commend him in Greek as well as in unfamiliar media. His scam then was well that you can get rich with outsourcing, or three-sided exchange. The name of the business “Dare and Conquer Media” with which he actually charges bank cards. Obviously I am a non-existent and counterfeit organization with no genuine base camp or VAT number. Charges from counterfeit things by means of Stripe.

This doesn’t make any difference at any rate, since there have never been in excess of five clients in this endeavor. He made recordings that didn’t draw in anybody to the scam. These can be found on the Gumroad site. It is actually quite important that because of no deals to genuine clients, tax evasion in this way demonstrated insufficient.

I didn’t contribute then and the nature of the recordings was poor.

Damianos, notwithstanding, has been playing him a mogul from that point forward, when truth be told his dad took care of him and he was unable to such an extent that he didn’t have the foggiest idea about his name well in English to compose. I was getting more elaborate when he chose to accomplish something different. For a long while I was showing up as a standard worker in another non-existent organization that offered little types of assistance on Fiverr.

Since the time this began, Damianos has not helped in that frame of mind of the business. Sight and sound, articles, messages, bookkeeping, and a whole lot more, I did everything all alone. It was concurred that I would keep income when he put in counterfeit clothing requests. Be that as it may, it was clear the way in which miserly he was. Step by step he laundered dark cash worth € 10,000 and over and he was miserly to give me all the cash I made with my perspiration.

He ate my day occupations for advancements while he laundered huge load of cash simply because of me. Unquestionably more than 90% of the orders on Fiverr, be that as it may, were the consequence of illegal tax avoidance, so it was most certainly not effective. Alright, I had her pocket cash in the vicinity € 500 and € 800 consistently. Yet, I had not left my ordinary occupation since something so unsteady no protection could furnish to an individual with kids like me.

Also, we should not fail to remember that Damianos didn’t have the right stuff to help at all and that he didn’t know English. The entire business couldn’t develop with only one genuine parttime worker obviously. In the end we broke them after Damian quit advancing the business as a decent misanthrope and they quit having clients. Also, in this way this cycle finished.

The new extortion in Conclavio
Around then Damianos vanished for quite a while. His next open appearance was at Greece Next Top Model (GNTM). There it gave the idea that his new scam would now be “Conclavio”.

Presently Damianos Prosalentis comprehended that it doesn’t seem OK to have accomplices. He paid individuals to make totally eye to eye pages not long before he showed up on GNTM so he could introduce himself as a mogul. Presently with another moniker for his misrepresentation, Conclavio, and another name for his brains, “mogul”, yet in addition with the more seasoned counterfeit articles from the liars in the media he paid, he began a truly enormous scam called “Conclavio club million ».

The explanation that this inadmissible numbskull had found out about digital forms of money, in any case, was me. Before we even examined, I used to enlighten him concerning bitcoin. I requested that his dad loan for venture and Damianos and I to share any benefits, any other way I would bring them back. I didn’t request huge amount of cash in any event, for my information as a kid then. Obviously in his non-existent brain he was unable to comprehend what he was talking about and in the end I didn’t get a solitary drachma. On the off chance that I had gotten what I requested and kept the bitcoins now we would both be moguls typically…

Also, let me not fail to remember that I let him know that ALL the dark cash that his father had he could wash with a visit from a “popular Russian” who took cash and returned bitcoin, which anybody could exchange with charge for the eyes of the taxman 100 percent legitimately. Yet, 15% for charges on his duke’s capital appeared large to the next numbskull, his dad, who additionally as an eager and simpleton proposed to set up an entire phony business.

I’m not intrigued that such an improper individual engages in pimping a minor only for individual addition. It doesn’t appear to be weird to me that he has appeared to ask youngsters for cash they produced using tunes. No big surprise he makes guarantees of specific monetary advantages to cryptos when he is too low-insight to try and comprehend what the basic significance of “brilliant agreement” in cryptographic forms of money implies. (Until I chose to cut myself totally he would send it to me pretty much consistently to ensure he wouldn’t compose hogwash in the visits he runs while addressing questions).

Nearly everything in the Conclave group as you comprehend it is completely false. I can promise it. Damianos never made a solitary, not 1,000,000. He didn’t figure out how to communicate in English ฯƒฮฟ Let alone composing articles. All that has previously been expounded on him was generally composed by others, still for a charge. Eventually, the “large chunk of change” that he has and that he washed throughout the years from his phony organizations didn’t surpass 300 thousand euros. This cash was obviously his dad through the Sorra scam. Damianos never worked independently because of absence of abilities.

Damian Prosalentis as his dad’s follower before the Conclave (Concnlavio)
Until Damianos began his extortion in (Conclavio) nobody realized him with the exception of the vanguard that his mobster father took for followers. Chronis Prosalentis had concurred with him to cover his costs to launder cash with counterfeit organizations, perhaps with the possibility that one of them will begin working out in a good way.

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